Must Check If your arches of feet hurt
Are your arches of feet hurt?
If it is so, then it could be plantar fasciitis.
Please read it carefully because I am gonna talk about the top three signs that your foot pain might actually be plantar fasciitis.
It’s a relatively easy condition to diagnose in most cases, but if you’re experiencing pain on the bottom of your foot, here are the signs you should look for.
Must Check If your arches of feet hurt
Commonality of Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a very common diagnosis.
I’ve had it, you’ve had it.
I bet most people have experienced it at some point, especially those who participate in high-impact sports like running, jumping, dancing, or ballet.
Must Check If your arches of feet hurt
Visualizing the Fascia
Let’s quickly do a visual demonstration.
Here, we’ve got a nice diagram of the foot with the skin removed from the bottom.
All the white stuff you see is the fascia, a tough, fibrous band that runs from the heel all the way to the toes.
We’ve recreated this with some tape to show how it stretches from the heel to the toes.
If there’s a tear in this fascia, you can see why it would hurt every time you step on your foot.
Must Check If your arches of feet hurt
First Sign: Heel Pain
The first sign that you might have plantar fasciitis is pain at the base of the heel.
Many patients feel intense pain when this area is pressed.
If you receive a cortisone shot for plantar fasciitis, it’s usually administered at this spot.
Must Check If your arches of feet hurt
Second Sign: Morning Pain and Pain Patterns
The second sign follows a specific pain pattern.
Most people with plantar fasciitis experience significant pain when they first get out of bed in the morning.
The pain might lessen after walking around for 10 to 15 minutes but tends to get worse throughout the day.
This pattern can also occur after sitting for long periods.
The pain is often more intense when putting pressure on the fascia, such as when going up stairs or standing on your toes.
Must Check If your arches of feet hurt
Third Sign: Reduced Toe Flexibility
The third sign is reduced flexibility in the toes. People with plantar fasciitis often notice that the toes on the affected foot do not bend as far as those on the unaffected foot.
This is especially noticeable when pulling the toes upward.
The reduced flexibility and associated pain can be significant indicators of plantar fasciitis.
Must Check If your arches of feet hurt
Plantar Fasciitis Exercises: stretches and massage
Must Check If your arches of feet hurt
Personal Experience and Tips
In my personal experience, activities like lunges can exacerbate plantar fasciitis by putting extra pressure on the big toe.
Gradual stretching of the toe can help alleviate this issue.
Additionally, runners often find that worn-out shoes contribute to plantar fasciitis.
When both feet start hurting, it’s usually a sign that it’s time to get new shoes.
Must Check If your arches of feet hurt
In summary, the top three signs of plantar fasciitis are:
- Pain at the base of the heel.
- Pain that is severe in the morning and follows a specific pattern.
- Reduced flexibility in the toes.
You can also check other side effect or pain causes of your foot such as Bruises On The Heel, Back of Foot Hurts, Ball of Foot Pain Relief.
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두 번째 징후: 아침 통증 및 통증 패턴
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세 번째 징후: 발가락 유연성 감소
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족저근막염 운동: 스트레칭과 마사지
개인 경험 및 팁
제 개인적인 경험으로는, 런지와 같은 운동이 엄지발가락에 추가적인 압력을 가해 족저근막염을 악화시킬 수 있습니다.
발가락을 서서히 스트레칭하면 이 문제를 완화하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
또한, 러너들은 낡은 신발이 족저근막염에 기여한다는 것을 자주 발견합니다.
양쪽 발 모두 통증이 생기면 보통 새 신발을 사야 할 때입니다.
요약하자면, 족저근막염의 세 가지 주요 징후는 다음과 같습니다:
- 뒤꿈치 바닥의 통증
- 아침에 심하고 특정 패턴을 따르는 통증
- 발가락의 유연성 감소
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