WHY Shoulders hurt when sleeping
WHY Shoulders hurt when sleeping:
Introduction to Shoulder Pain at Night
Are you currently struggling with the pain at night and wondering why my shoulders hurt when sleeping?
Shoulder pain in bed and at night can often be attributed to poor positioning.
Many people think that if they have a bad shoulder, it will inevitably hurt at night.
However, the right sleeping posture can alleviate pain and promote healing, preventing further damage overnight.
WHY Shoulders hurt when sleeping:
Avoid Lying on the Painful Shoulder
If you have a painful shoulder, try to avoid lying on it. Instead, lie on the non-painful shoulder or sleep on your back.
This reduces stress on the injured shoulder and allows for better circulation, helping you wake up with less pain.
WHY Shoulders hurt when sleeping:
Sleeping on the Non-Painful Shoulder
To sleep comfortably on the non-painful shoulder, position a couple of pillows to support the painful shoulder.
Lay one pillow level with your body and place another on top of it.
This keeps the arm in a neutral, relaxed position, promoting healing and comfort throughout the night.
WHY Shoulders hurt when sleeping:
Sleeping on the Painful Shoulder
If you must sleep on the painful shoulder, create a gap or canal with pillows to reduce pressure.
Place one or two pillows for support and add a third pillow to create a space for the painful shoulder.
This prevents the shoulder from being jammed into the socket and reduces pain.
WHY Shoulders hurt when sleeping:
Sleeping on Your Back
When sleeping on your back, support the painful arm with a pillow under the armpit, elevating it slightly.
This position is comfortable and reduces strain on the shoulder.
It’s also recommended to use this pillow setup when sitting on a couch or recliner to help the shoulder calm down and reduce inflammation.
WHY Shoulders hurt when sleeping:
Avoid Sleeping on Your Stomach
Sleeping on your stomach is not advisable if you have shoulder pain.
This position forces your arms into awkward angles, potentially worsening the pain.
If you find it hard to avoid this position, consider sewing a tennis ball into the front of your T-shirt.
This will wake you up if you roll onto your stomach, prompting you to change positions.
* Additionally, for those who have pain in shoulder blade check it out below.
It must be helpful.
WHY Shoulders hurt when sleeping:
Finding the right sleeping posture can significantly reduce shoulder pain at night.
Avoiding lying on the painful shoulder, using proper pillow support, and steering clear of stomach sleeping are key strategies.
By making these adjustments, you can alleviate pain and promote healing, ensuring a more restful night’s sleep.
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어깨 통증이 있다면 엎드려 자는 것은 권장되지 않습니다.
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이렇게 하면 엎드려 자는 경우 깨어나게 되어 자세를 바꾸게 됩니다.
추가적으로, 어깨 날개 부분에 통증이 있는 경우 아래 내용을 확인하세요.
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올바른 수면 자세를 찾으면 밤에 어깨 통증을 크게 줄일 수 있습니다.
아픈 어깨로 눕는 것을 피하고, 적절한 베개 지지대를 사용하며, 엎드려 자는 것을 피하는 것이 주요 전략입니다.
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